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process to results diagram

How can Organizations Improve?

November 09, 20232 min read

How can Organizations Improve?

This sounds like a simple question, but it is very difficult for most companies.  The strategy is different for different companies and in different industries.  Every company within an industry is different – also business units within companies will differ.  This means that the culture defines an organization and will depend on the path that is needed for achieving results.

One thing is common for all companies moving on the path for performance improvement is that they must embrace the concepts of process management.  This means that to achieve results, an organization must improve processes.  

process to results diagram

In a recent project in public education, I discovered that the basic method for making an impact for change is to facilitate the concept of processes.

What is Process Management? 

After all the years of trying to understand the concept of process management, many individuals especially those in non-manufacturing areas still have not understood or grasped the concept in a way that can change their thinking.  In some those in education will say we have processes. 

process definition

On further investigation – that statement is not correct.  I have found that most people in education are not process focused.  If you have a process it means:

  • You have defined the shareholders of the process

  • You have used the SIPOC diagram to determine the scope of the process

  • There is a process map which clearly defines the steps in the process

  • Everyone refers to the process map and follow the steps

  • The process map is used to standardize work that is done

  • Each process has a process owner who is responsible for monitoring and measuring the performance of the process

  • There are metrics associated with the process, which provides information on process performance

  • Corrective actions or a structured problem solving methodology is used to ensure effective process improvement.

What is the Value of Process Improvement?

The education industry is facing several challenges and school districts are required to do more with less.  Implementing a process improvement initiative will:

  • Provide a system that focuses on eliminating waste so that work can be done economically and efficiently

  • Implement systems to ensure that initiatives do not lose sight of the ultimate customer and stakeholders in general

  • Prevent errors from occurring, and move the entire organization towards a structured problem solving methodology

  • Build teamwork, within and across departments reducing opportunities for conflicts

  • Develop a standard method for communicating within the school district

  • Help the district handle relationships between the various stakeholders

  • Provide a measurement system in all areas and at all levels that will ensure self-monitoring and improvement

  • Implement a method to outline requirements that will ensure alignment with the required results and goals of the district.

  • Provide a template for success that can be replicated within the district

organzationsimproveperformance improvementprocess managementprocess improvementprocess mapeducation industryschool districtsstakeholderswaste eliminationcustomer focuserror preventionproblem solving methodologyteamworkcommunicationmeasurement systemalignmentrequirementsresultssuccess template
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Norma Simons

Norma Simons, formally the president of Simons-White & Associates, who with her team has made significant contributions in training and consulting, enabling companies to achieve significant bottom-line results. Also CEO at Performance Innovation, field of process management and performance improvement consulting and training for over 20 years

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Norma Simons / President

Performance Innovation LLC is a group of consultants who have been in the field of process management and performance improvement consulting and training for over 20 years. The team is led by Norma Simons, formally the president of Simons-White & Associates, who with her team has made significant contributions in training and consulting, enabling companies to achieve significant bottom-line results.

We specialize in hands-on implementation of process improvement initiatives by applying the concepts of lean, six sigma, industrial engineering and principles of leadership development. Our diverse team is able to integrate and customize improvement methods that enable the achievement of lasting business results. We serve automotive, aerospace, education, service, healthcare and other industries wishing to make the transition to enhance performance.

At Performance Innovation LLC, our team is committed to assisting our clients to successfully meet the economic and social challenges faced in the workplace.

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